meet farrah alenie canaliso

Hi everyone! After a 2-year career break due to traveling, relocation, and caregiving, I’m now back in action and actively looking for a new role. I would really appreciate your support. I’m eager to bring my expertise, skills, and experience to a new challenge. 

About me:

💼 I am currently seeking roles such as Medical Office Assistant, Emergency Room Clerk, Health Services Coordinator, or similar clerical positions within the healthcare field. 

🌎 I’m open to roles in Toronto, Ontario.

⭐ I’ve previously worked in Emergency Department of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.

I’d love to reconnect with you, share my experience, and catch up on what’s new in your world. If you hear of any opportunities that you think are worth looking into, or are open to chatting, send me an email / text!

#OpenToWork  #CanWorkImmediately 

read my RESUME

see my references

how you can help